ThLic. Jan Czudek, Th.D.
- 2011-2015: postgraduate study at the CMTF UP (Th.D.), thesis "The person and conscience as foundations for Moral theology of Bernhard Häring"
- 2003-2006: postgraduate study at the CMTF UP (ThLic.), thesis "Solution of registered partnership in the world and current status and progress in Czech Republic"
- 1993-1998: Catholic theology at the CMTF UP (Mgr.)
- 1992-1993: Propedeutical year for theology in Litoměřice
- 1988-1992: Polish High school in Český Těšín
Working experience
- 2011-present: CMTF UP Olomouc
- 2011-present: VOŠ Caritas Olomouc
- 2005-2007: VOŠ Caritas Olomouc
Professional focus
- Ethics of Marriage and Family
- Social Ethics
- "Participation of Bernhard Häring at II. Vatican Council and his contribution to process of the Council documents", Studia theologica 16, nr. 3 (2014): page 173-191.