ThLic. Jan Polák, Ph.D.

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Katedra systematické teologie

CM teologická fakulta

Univerzitní 22


odborný asistent

Polák J., Hambálek J. Eizellspende in der Tschechischen Republik. Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik. 2024.
Havelec T., Polák J. Attempts to regulate euthanasia by law in the Czech Republic. Medicina e Morale. Rivista internazionale di Bioetica. 2023.
Polák J. Is Aesthetic Surgery Morally Acceptable? Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN. 2023.
Polák J. Respect for mortal remains of perinatal children. The current legal situation in the Czech Republic. Medicina e Morale. Rivista internazionale di Bioetica. 2021.
Polák J. Induced Abortion in the Contemporary Penitential Praxis of the Catholic Church. How to be an Instrument of New Hope. Person and the Challenges-The Journal of Theology Education Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II. 2020.
Polák J. Legal regulations of induced abortion in Czechoslovakia/ the Czech Republic. Medicina e Morale. Rivista internazionale di Bioetica. 2020.
Polák J. Soucit v medicíně pohledem katolické bioetiky. In Ptáček R., Bartůněk P. (Eds.) Soucit v medicíně. 2023.
Polák J. Ecological Ethics in the Vision of Josef Petr Ondok. In Eckholt M. (Eds.) Creation - Transformation - Theology. 2022.
Polák J., Opatrný D. Bioetika v charitativní práci. 2019.
Polgar N., Morciniec P., Ragadics T., Kovács G. Bioetika v charitativní práci. In Opatrný D., Polák J. (Eds.) 2019.
Polák J. Co je to encyklika? 2020.
Polák J. Karl Rahner: Dnešní kněz. Slyšet slovo - kázeň ducha. Miscellanea jesuitica VI. 2018.
Polák J. Jan Ambaum: Milosrdenství a odpuštění hříchů. Communio. Mezinárodní katolická revue 17, č. 1-2 [66-67] (2013): 88-93. 2013.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Special Moral Theology KST/KTMTS ZS 10
Actual Themes of Moral Theology KST/KTTMT LS 5
Special Moral Theology KST/KVMTS ZS 5
Topical Issues of Moral Theology KST/KVTMT LS 5
Actual Topics in Moral Theology KST/PTTMT ZS Cv 1
Actual Topics in Moral Theology KST/PTTMT ZS 1
Methodology of Scientific Work KBV/PTMVD LS Cv 1
Methodology of Scientific Work KBV/PTMVD LS 1
Ethics and Moral Issues in Obstetrics and Gynaecology POA/FTA01 ZS Se 3

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