Edward R. Canda on Spiritually Sensitive Social Work

Edward R. Canda
Photo: Martin Višňa
Pátek 28. červen 2019, 8:00

At the end of June, when students left for vacations, the Department of Christian Social Work hosted Edward R. Canda, a professor at the University of Kansas and a world-leading researcher in the connection between spirituality and social care. In his lecture for the staff on 28th of June, prof. Canda presented "New trends in spiritually sensitive social work".

"The social work grew up from a culture nourished by religion, but during its fast emancipation, it started to pull away from the religious sensitivity and even to consider it suspicious and undesirable," explains Jakub Doležel, the organizer of prof. Canda's visit. "It wasn't until the end of the last century that a new need arose to perceive clients not only in their biological, psychological and social dimension, but also the spiritual one. In other words, to see, which values (not necessarily connected to religion) are crucial in their life, what supports them, what solution could be used in the present situation."


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