Online letní škola Ecumenical School for Dialogue 2022

Úterý 24. květen 2022, 20:07

Dear colleagues, dear students!

Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Ukrainian Catholic University will run the second Ecumenical School for Dialogue 2022 "Truth-telling and reconciliation in the context of religious, national and geopolitical conflicts" online on 4 July – 15 July 2022.

  • The school is designed for those interested in theology, philosophy, humanities, politics, history and reconciliation.
  • ESD will last for 12 days and consist of online lectures, discussions, seminars, and video-presentations.
  • Working language – English!
  • ESD offers 4 ECTS credits for participation at the school’s online events.

Goal of the School:

To gather a team of international students and young researchers interested in theology, ecumenism, philosophy, humanities, politics, history and reconciliation around the topic of truth-telling and peace-searching, in order to provide them with the instruments which would be useful in analyzing and acting in the contexts of prolonged religious, national and geopolitical conflicts.

Tasks of the School:

1. To study key political, social and religious processes happening in Ukraine and around the region in order to understand better the roots and the consequences of the current Russian military aggression against Ukraine;

2. To study the notions of truth, post-truth and fake-news, and their practical application in the ecumenical, social and political discourses; To discover the ecumenical value of justice, truth and dialogue, and importance of their common witnessing today;

3. To explore the ways in which propaganda works by constructing myths and fake-news that causes misunderstandings, tensions and wars between the communities and the countries;

4. To search for creative proposals in order to deal with the phenomenon of hybrid wars and cultivate an atmosphere with different levels of trust: between the Churches, societies and states;

5. To learn reconciliation and peacebuilding examples/projects in order to understand better the instruments which heal the memories;

6. To investigate the ecumenical situation in Ukraine, marked by the challenges of the inter-Orthodox unity, and its link to the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the recent Russian military invasion;

7. To foster an understanding of Ukraine and its neighbors, in order to understand Europe better, by observing insider perspectives.

Find out more information about ESD here

Contact person: Rev. Roman Fihas


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