Open Day at the Faculty of Theology

Středa 22. leden 2020, 15:07

Secondary school graduates passing through the city with their eyes fixed on a special app on their mobile phones, slightly nervous parents looking for the best parking place and above all a lot of questions. This was the Saturday 18th January 2020 in Olomouc when Palacký University opened its doors to future students.

Dozens of graduates were heading to the Faculty of Theology to learn more about the offered study programmes. Many had already chosen. Like Mojmír Polnický from Žďár nad Sázavou, who was interested in the most classical program at this faculty: “I have been considering theological studies for a long time, as I hope to become a priest. And it is precisely the Faculty of Theology in Olomouc what could help me to fulfil my vision. I would like to gain here the necessary experience and knowledge” stated Polnický and questioned one of the current students into detail about everything. His mother, who accompanied him to Olomouc, agrees with his decision to apply for the faculty of theology: “It is his choice, and if he wishes it, I will support him.”

While Mojmír chose an established field of study, Barbora Denková reached for a complete novelty. In the next academic year, the faculty of theology opens a new Bachelor's degree program Ethics and Culture in Media Communication, which will prepare students for the position of a media consultant, press spokesperson or communication expert. “I am already studying economy at the Mining University in Ostrava, but I am more interested in this field. I have already wanted to study journalism and I was very interested in the offer of the new study programme, so I hope it will go well,” said the student looking forward to moving to Olomouc. Vice-Dean Jiří Pospíšil listened to her carefully. “We are very pleased with the interest in this study and the quality of questions that the applicants ask us. They evidently thing about the program, they are interested. We are very happy for that and hopefully it will turn out to be a happy decision for all of us,” he added.

(Source: Žurnál UP)


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