Springs of Dialogue: 6th International Conference on Dialogical Practice in Olomouc

Pondělí 6. březen 2023, 11:07 – Text: Lenka Peřinová, Marie Sieberová

An opportunity to meet professionals from all over the world who are involved in the helping professions or who work with people. The international conference (not only) for academics who are inspired by the ideas of dialogue as a necessary condition of human life is organized by the Institute of Social Health (OUSHI) of the Sts Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty of Palacký University with Narativ and Zahrada 2000 organizations. Sources of Dialogue will take place from May 17th-20th, 2023. Registration is already open and closes on April 30th, 2023.

The conference aims at professionals in the helping professions: psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers - all those who provide care to patients with mental health problems and psychiatric patients in the early stages of psychosis.

"Due to the coronavirus situation, we had to wait longer for the conference to take place this time than in the previous years. As much as it may seem now that we have managed this crisis, a crisis in general is becoming a kind of the new norm. Just a few hundred kilometers away from Olomouc, a huge humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine is still unfolding. At the same time, we are witnessing a deep environmental crisis, an energy crisis and many other crises," said Dr. Zdeněk Meier, the conference guarantor.

The participants can look forward to personal encounters with interesting guests who are developing dialogical practice around the world and who were at the origin of the dialogical practice. They will speak with experts who represent the voice of lived experience in mental health care in global mental health discussions. For example, the following people will come to Olomouc. Jaakko Seikkula from Finland (Professor of Psychology at the University of Agder and Emeritus Professor of Psychotherapy at the University of Jyväskylä), Ivana Marková from the UK (Emeritus Professor at the University of Stirling) and Peter Rober from Belgium (Professor at KU Leuven), Wilma Boevink from the Netherlands (researcher at the Trimbos Institute), Tamaki Saito from Japan (professor of social psychiatry at the University of Tsukuba) or Adalberto Barreto from Brazil (professor emeritus at the University of Ceará-Brasil). Dialogical practice builds on the work of Mikhail Bakhtin, the reflective process approach in psychotherapy and family therapy, and contemporary theories of intersubjectivity and embodiment.

"We believe that dialogic practice is one way to acquire the power to act proactively in a crisis. Since its inception in the context of psychiatric and psychosocial crises, it has also found great application in other types of crisis situations. Dialogue can be a very valuable and important response to crisis situations involving deep insecurity and instability. But how can a dialogue actually come into being? What resources and conditions are needed for it to emerge and develop? Where are the sources of dialogue? These questions are a key theme of the conference," Meier added.

The conference will take place at the Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology and Philosophy at Palacký University in Olomouc. The conference fee of EUR 270 includes a three-day expert programme and admission to an evening banquet with a cultural programme. For a fee of EUR 40, it is also possible to attend the pre-conference workshops, which will take place on May 17th,  2023 in the afternoon. The conference is organized by the International Network of Dialogic Practice in collaboration with the Institute of Social Health and Narative and Zahrada 2000 organizations.

More information and registration: https://dialog-conf.cz/?lang=cs



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