Online Summer School

Neděle 14. květen 2023, 11:07 – Text: Petra Hubena

Online Summer School

  • “War in Ukraine and Rethinking Peacebuilding Approaches”, July 3 – July 11, 2023.
  • Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Ukrainian Catholic University will run the third Ecumenical School for Dialogue 2023

More details about the School for Dialogue and Registration you could find here:

The school is designed for those interested in theology, philosophy, humanities, politics, history, and reconciliation.

ESD will last for 12 days and consist of online lectures, discussions, seminars, and video presentations. Working language – English!

ESD offers 4 ECTS credits for participation in the school’s online events.

The goal of the School:

To gather a team of international students and young researchers interested in theology, ecumenism, philosophy, humanities, politics, history, and reconciliation around the topic of truth-telling and peace-searching in order to provide them with the instruments which would be helpful in analyzing and acting in the contexts of prolonged religious, national and geopolitical conflicts.

Deadline: 31/5/2023



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