International Teaching Week nabízí studentům i široké veřejnosti možnost setkat se s odborníky ze zahraničí a poznat, jak se vyučuje na zahraničních univerzitách. Akce je také skvělou příležitostí k seznámení českých a zahraničních studentů. International Teaching Week připravuje Zahraniční oddělení CMTF UP.
4. ročník ITW
Tuesday 5.11.
Anthony Ssembatya-Kimbowa: The Theology of the Child and Better Understanding Child Protection in the Context of the Catholic Church (U11)
Anne Rochelle:The Impact of Welfare Reform on Homeless Women and Children in the United States: Sanctions, Social Workers, and the Unraveling Social Safety Net (U8, online - přihlášení ZDE)
Michael Kimotho: Impacts of the Climate Change on Local Communities in Kenya and Church's response (U3)
Juraj Fenik: Ježišove znamenia v Jánovom evanjeliu (U9)
Renata Emilsson Peskova:Pluringual Approaches in Second Languages. Utilizing Students’ and Teacher’s Linguistic Repertoires (U8, workshop)
Thursday 7.11.
Stephan Lund: Vicarious Trauma, Burnout and Compassion Fatigue – How Can Social Workers Care for Themselves? (U11)
Yuriy Shchurko: The Psalms: A Sacred Dialogue of the Heart – Embracing the Fullness of Human Experience in Communion with God (U3)
Renata Emilsson Peskova:Pluringual Youth’s Negotiations of Linguistic Identity: a Multiple-Case Study from Iceland (U8, online - přihlášení ZDE)
Róbert Lapko: Kniha Tobiáš: Impulzy pre dnešok (U9)
Peter Kravčák: Public Media in Danger (UN/AUL). The topic covered with repeatedly implemented decisions directing to political control of Public Media in Slovakia. How easy is to limit the freedom and impartiality of national radio and television? Do we need public media? Anyway, what does it mean - public media?
Marek Jodkowski: Women in Church and Society: Insights from Christian Iconography (U3)
Stephan Lund: Cultural Diversity and Awareness- an Exploration for Social Workers (U11)
Juraj Fenik: Ježišove znamenia v Jánovom evanjeliu (U9)
Johannes Frühbauer: Conspiracy Theories as a Media-Ethical Challenge (UN/AUL)
Anna Linka:Migration and multiculturality (U11)
God, Family, Fatherland: War Changing Politics, Society and Churches in Europe (U3, panel discussion)
Renata Emilsson Peskova: Plurilingual Identities and Identity texts: Methodological and Didactical Considerations (U8, workshop)
Kat Raynor:Social Pedagogy and the U.S. (U8, online - přihlášení ZDE)
Friday 8.11.
Slozanska Anna: Social Work in the Community in Ukraine: How it is Developing and What are the Successes Despite the War (U11)
Aleksandra Brzemia Bonarek: Lay People in the Church: Insights from the Dicastery for Laity’s Web Presentation (U3)
Róbert Lapko: Kniha Tobiáš: Impulzy pre dnešok (U9)
Agnieszka Grzesiok-Horosz: The Right of Personal Portrayal – Practice (UN/AUL)
Krynytska Iryna:Developing the Capacity of the Community Population to Overcome the Challenges of War in Resilience Centres (U11)
Konrad Glombik: The Challenge of Establishing Principles in Contemporary Sexual Ethics: Can the Bible Serve as a Basis? (U3)
Gabriel Eichsteller:The Relational Universe – a Framework for Supporting People’s Interdependence in Social Pedagogical Practice (U8, online - přihlášení ZDE)
Juraj Fenik: Ježišove znamenia v Jánovom evanjeliu (U9)
Yuriy Shchurko, Róbert Horka: Seminar for Ph.D. students (U3)
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